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Charlotte - Volunteering at Headrocks was a big highlight !

Headrocks was my very first experience as a volunteer and I couldn’t have asked for a better one. The owners, the staff and the other volunteers were really helpful when it came to explain what to do and when.Everything is made for you to adapt at your’s and the dog’s pace.The first few days you mainly get to know the dogs and the more it goes, the more you contribute to the daily routine.

Charlotte (2)_edited.jpg
Kissy kissy_edited.jpg

Volunteering at Headrocks was a big highlight !
If you read this and you hesitate… don’t !
I can assure this is an experience everyone will be delighted to make !

Georgia & James' Two Amazing Weeks

We had an amazing two weeks volunteering at Headrock. From the moment we arrived, it was evident how deeply the staff care for each dog and how well looked after they are. Their unique personalities shined through and we were greeted with lots of licks and cuddles, despite their difficult pasts. One of the loveliest things we experienced was seeing how affectionate the dogs are once you've earned their trust. It made our time there truly special and we did not want to leave!

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Georgia with Diamond.jpg
James being licked.jpg

We also learned so much about how to care for paraplegic dogs and other animals with special needs, and it was inspiring to see the innovative ways the team helps these dogs live full and happy lives. Verity and Thep have created such a wonderful space to help the dogs flourish. We are so happy we got to be a part of it! 

James - I Was So Honoured

Headrock Dog Rescue was the first place I have volunteered like this and I loved the experience and I was so honoured to be able to help the team and get to know the dogs. 


The communication was really clear before hand and when I arrived I was well looked after by Verity and Franz who were helping me to get to know the dogs. 


My favourite part of the day was sitting with the dogs and having little interactions with each of beautiful dogs, coming up to me for scratches, cuddles, licks and love. Also spending time with dogs like Bobo who is unable to use his back legs and seeing the joy in his eyes from him getting some attention.  Also Holly, who is just beautiful! 


Thank you to the full team, its been an experience I will never forget! 

Naomi - What an Experience!

What a delightful surprise! Ben, one of our former volunteers, has come back to the healing center this week with his friend Naomi to lend a hand.

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Lilah and Gem adopted 8.jpeg
Ben Naomi help with temple pups 4.jpeg

Wow, what an experience! I volunteered at Headrock Dogs Rescue for a week with my friend Ben and loved every minute of it! Such a pleasure getting to know the dogs and helping the friendly team with daily tasks. I helped with cleaning, feeding and cuddling. The highlight for me was going with puppies to drop them at their new adoption home, this was such a beautiful moment to be a part of. I can’t thank Verity and Thep enough, they were so kind and welcoming and do amazing work!

Krista - I Had an Amazing Time!

When an angel donates $4200 she raised to help us from across the world and then flies to volunteer with us, there are no words to express our immense gratitude and overwhelming thanks.

THANK YOU is so inadequate but it's engraved in our hearts.

Krista with lots of dogs in healing cent
Krista and Thep with Cheque.jpg
Krista's first day_edited_edited.jpg
Krista and Somkit.jpg

I had an amazing time volunteering with Headrock Dog Rescue. I helped with some daily chores such as feeding and cleaning the kennels but the best part was getting to hand with 65 + dogs everyday! I really enjoyed helping the paraplegic dogs with their physical therapy! Would highly recommend volunteering here! 

Sybille - What a Great Experience 

I have spent six weeks at Headrock's Dog Rescue. The dogs are so nice and it's fun to see their different personalities and their different strategies to get stroked.

Sybil saying hello to Myla, one of our paraplegic dogs
Sybille with Verity's pet dogs
Dogs love Sybill
Sybille, Malee and Myla having a playful time

In my first days here I mainly helped to clean the areas, brush the dogs, wash the bowls, feed the dogs,.... Then I started to take more care of some of the dogs that needed special help, such as the paraplegic dogs. My background is in occupational therapy and it was my desire and pleasure to treat these dogs with their little hairy legs. My greatest joy was to see Nong Malee starting to walk after a few weeks of therapy. That has made me so happy! Sometimes it seemed as if she was proudly showing me what she had already learnt.

Thank you for this great experience!

Nau and Laia - The dogs warmed our hearts 

Nau - Volunteering in Headrock was just the best happy and fun experience. The dogs in the shelter are so so lovely that I fell madly in love to most. And the people is so nice a helpful. Recommend!

Nau and Laia a the centre saying hello
Dogs at the shelter introducing themselves
fixing the fence
Every hand helps!

Laia - I loved every day we spent at Headrock. Seeing the dogs each morning coming to say hello to you, and spending your time making their lifes better, it warms your heart. The shelter is a beautiful open space area where dogs have a good life. The staff and the owners have been really welcoming and they are doing an amazing job. You can help with many different tasks: grooming the dogs, shampooing them, cleaning cages and bowls, or some handyman tasks if you want. We just left and we are already missing all the dogs and people there. I hope we can meet again

Ben Mangnall – ヒーリングセンターでの時間をとても気に入りました (2023)

Ben overwelmed
Ben with puppies




サンドラとリン - 5 か月間のボランティア活動

Sandra と Lynn は、約 5 か月間、ボランティアとして参加しました。彼らは、さまざまな犬の健康問題に大いに役立ちました。



Volunteer petting a rescue dog
two volunteers at the healing centre

マージョリーとヒューゴのヘッドロック エクスペリエンス


white dog laying down
Majorie hugging a black and white spotted dog
Hugo stroking a black and white dog

皆様、ご親切にありがとうございました!私はすでに犬が恋しいです。パリの私のアパートにいるすべての犬を連れて行きたかったのですが、22msq は少し小さいようです...ありがとう、ありがとう。マージョリーとヒューゴ

2 girls holding up headrock T-shirts

マリとエイプリル: 私たちのボランティア体験

Headrock Dogs Rescue は本当に素晴らしい場所です。犬はとてもよく世話され、愛されています。私たちがここで出会った一人一人が、すべての犬の福祉に専念していました。 Verity と Thep は、これらの虐待され無視された魂を助ける素晴らしい仕事をしています。犬はとても愛情深く、満足しており、資金が許す限り、あらゆるニーズが可能な限り満たされています。ボランティアに行くことができるなら、私はこれを100%お勧めします.そうでない場合は、給餌と獣医治療の莫大な費用を支援するために寄付を検討してください.



私は犬がとても恋しいですが、彼らが最善を尽くしていることを知って家に帰ることができました. Verity さん、私たちを Rescue に参加させてくれてありがとう。また、Franz と Franzisca さんにも、私たちにコツを教えてくれて、終わりのない質問に答えてくれて、本当にありがとう。 4月と私からすべての犬に大きなキスをしてください.またお会いしましょう。

ブルック: 私のボランティアの時間



2019 年 4 月に Headrock Dogs Rescue でボランティアをすることができて光栄でした。本当にやりがいがあり、とても楽しい経験でした。毎朝、幸せそうな顔と尻尾を振って迎えられるのが大好きで、彼らの生活をより良くすることに本当に貢献していると感じました.ヘッドロック犬はボランティアをするのに素晴らしい場所であっただけでなく、バンサパンはタイの他の場所で見られる群衆や観光客の群れから離れた楽園の一部です.ヘッドロック犬はあまりお勧めできません。ボランティアを考えている方は是非!

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_   ドリスはとてもゴージャスです

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_   loving old dog        _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_       _cc781905-5cde-3194-5cde-3194-cf3b8d_bb3195

volunteer being licked by Doris one of our resident dogs.
Brooke (one of our volunteers) is crouching petting Doris, one of our resident dogs
One of our volunteers Brooke, is crouching down stroking Peanut, one of our paraplegic dogs.



ポピーとマチルダ: 素晴らしい場所

本当に素晴らしい場所です!犬はとても幸せで、とてもよく世話をされています。ここで 10 日間ボランティア活動をしましたが、これ以上お勧めできません。 Verity と Thep は犬の世話をする素晴らしい仕事をしており、長年のボランティアである Franz と Francesca、そしてタイ人スタッフの Lin と Lek も素晴らしいです!ここに来ることを強くお勧めします、素敵な犬と素敵な人々。
























         Can't wait to come再び!

Poppy and Tilda with the puppies
Poppy and Tilda petting 2 black dogs
Tilda and Poppy petting the dogs
Tilda and Poppy sitting with the rescue dogs

アネット: Headrockdogs での素晴らしい時間


残念ながら、Facebook はレビューから推奨に変更されました。まだレビューがあれば、間違いなく Headrock Dogs Rescue 5 を贈ります ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!!!

私は Headrock Dogs Rescue で 2 週間ボランティア活動をしました。とてもやりがいのある経験で、毎分楽しかったです。私はそこにいる間に多くのことを学び、Headrocks Dog Rescue の素晴らしいチームが活動しているのを見ました。Verity、Thep、Lin、Lek、Pituk、Bu、Francois はこれらの犬に献身的で、すべての犬をとても愛しています (彼らが朝に到着すると、尻尾を大量に振って頭を掻くように要求するときに明らかです!)。

Annette sitting
Some of our volunteers
Annette crouching in the garden with some of the dogs

Headrock Dogs Rescue の犬は、タイで最も幸せな犬の 1 つで、歩き回り、探索し、遊ぶことができる広大なエリアがあり、最も重要なことは、この保護区では非常にうまく機能するペンなしです。ピンが落ちる音がするほど静かな時もあります!私はすべての犬とそのさまざまな性格を知るのが大好きで、とても恋しいです!

Eléa Oganessova - Headrock Dogs Rescue での時間

Headrock Dogs Rescue は、犬との絆を深めるのに最適な場所です。チーム全体が非常に思いやりがあり、毎日存在しています。あなたが社交できる少なくとも60匹の犬がいて、それらはすべて素敵です.

私たちは動物とつながり、本当に助けたかったので、学校のインターンシップのために3人の友人とそこに行きました.彼らはすでに効率的なチームを持っていますが、私たちは彼らの世話を手伝う機会がありました: 畑の掃除、犬の洗い、必要な人への皮膚の治療...

Julitette with Humpty


Volunteers bathing a dog


French volunteer hugging black dog




Jukiette, Salome, Lisa and Elea in the back of the pickup ready to go home, after volunteering at the healing centre


ヘッドロックの犬の救助での滞在は本当に楽しかったです。犬はとても素敵で、すでに恋しいです!お時間をいただきありがとうございます。 😊

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