「タイの忘れられた犬を救う」プログラムの目的は、バンサパンの広大な地域で捨てられ、病気や怪我をした犬の生活条件を改善することです。この地域は、何千もの放棄され去勢されていない犬が野生または寺院に住んでいる背水です。 この地域では、地方自治体の支援が乏しく、必要な犬に質の高いケアを提供する獣医の能力が非常に限られています。
関連する費用は、Saving Thailand's Forgotten Dogs' プログラムの最大の制限要因です。私たちは、K9Aid と Cuddly のサポートを得られて非常に幸運です. これらの資金調達プラットフォームは両方とも、私たちの深刻なケースに不可欠な資金を調達しています。
The program is dedicated to rescuing injured and sick dogs. The volume of road traffic accidents and cases of infectious diseases are unending. Heart-wrenching cases, including broken limbs and damaged backs, necessitate journeys of over 100 to 200 kilometers to reach specialized veterinary clinics. Every dog receives the critical medical attention it urgently needs including operations and recuperates with further medical treatment at our Healing Centre.
The program's overarching objective is to collaborate with local communities, ultimately facilitating their ability to provide better animal welfare. To learn more about our rescue work go to Rescuing Dogs and Rescuing Puppies
Hungry dogs often suffer from weakened immune systems, making them susceptible to parasites and diseases. Moreover, the struggle for food in their daily lives can turn them aggressive as they fight for survival. This situation also leaves them vulnerable to injuries while searching for sustenance. Thus, feeding is a crucial aspect of our program.
If you follow news about dogs, you know what an extreme case of mange looks like. It's a common and distressing skin disease that afflicts dogs and puppies that have been abandoned, neglected, or subjected to abuse. These poor animals seem beyond hope—hairless, with skin covered in painful sores or encrusted with thick, hardened patches. Their condition can be likened to skin that appears to have turned to stone, making it heart-wrenching to witness.
Cancer is a significant concern for aging dogs. Two of the most prevalent canine cancers are melanomas and mast cell tumors, primarily affecting the skin and often becoming apparent through changes in skin appearance or the emergence of suspicious growths. Lymphoma, originating in the lymphatic system, and bone cancers like osteosarcoma, which typically affect the long bones of a dog's limbs, are also common and worrisome. Early detection and treatment, along with regular veterinary check-ups, are crucial in addressing these health challenges and improving outcomes. Ongoing advancements in veterinary medicine provide hope for dogs and their dedicated owners facing these formidable obstacles.
車にはねられた犬の救出依頼が増えています。ドライバーが注意を怠るホリデー シーズンには、助けを求める嘆願が劇的に急増します。背中、脚、あごの骨折、骨盤のひび割れ、重度の打撲傷は非常に一般的です。これらの犬を救うには時間が最も重要であり、手術に必要な設備を備えた最寄りの獣医は100km離れています.私たちのアウトリーチチームは、緊急治療のために犬を輸送するためにすぐに対応します.
私たちの犬の回復の成功率は、私たちのアウトリーチ チームの献身的なレスキュー活動により、非社交的な時間帯に緊急の電話に対応することが多いため、高いものです。